Silicon Valley Reads 2016 Reading List
Other books that may be of interest related to the theme Chance of Rain: The impact of climate change on our lives.

The Big Thirst - The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water by Charles Fishman
Chasing Water: A Guide for Moving From Scarcity to Sustainability by Brian Richter
Climate Changed by Philippe Squarzoni
Climate Coverup by James Hogan
The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M Conway
Field Notes from a Catastrophe by Elizabeth Kolbert
Rain - A Natural and Cultural History by Cynthia Barnett
Running out of Water by Susan Leal, Peter Rogers Atsatt
Shopping for Water - How the Market Can Mitigate Water Shortages in the American West by Peter Culp and Robert J Glennon
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein
Water 4.0: The Past Present and Future of the World's Most Vital Resource by David Sedlak
Water - The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization by Steven Solomon
Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution and Profit by Vandana Shiva
The West Without Water by Frances Malamud-Roam and B. Lynn Ingram
Why Are We Waiting by Nicholas Sterna
600ppm:A Novel of Climate Change by Clarke W Owens
Drought: A California Environmental Disaster Thriller by Graham Masterton
Forty Signs of Rain by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Last Hours of Climate Change by Thom Hartmann
Love in the Time of Climate Change by Brian Adams
Sarah's Quilt by Nancy Turner
Water by Ethan Holmes
Water by Jeff Rosenplot
Water-a B side Story by Dan O'Brien
The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi
The Well by Catherine Chanter
Books for children and teens
A Drop of Rain by Wong Herbert Lee
All The Water In The World by George Ella Lyon
Angels in the Dust by Margot Theis Raven
Below by Meg McKinley
Big Rain Coming Katrina Germein
Blame it on El Nino by Susan Dudley Gold
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema
Can It Rain Cats and Dogs by Melvin and Gilda Berger
Climate Change by Shelley Tanaka
Cloudette by Tom Lichtenheld
Come a Tide by George Ella Lyon
Costi and the Raindrop Adventure by Johnny Khamis
Did A Dinosaur Drink This Water by Robert Wells
Discovering El Nino by Patricia Seibert
Dust by Arthur Slade
El Nino by Caroline Arnold
El Nino by Carmen Bredeson
Float by Daniel Miyares
Global Warming by Angela Royston
In the Rain with Baby Duck by Amy Hest
La Nina by Carmen Bredeson
Lila and the Secret of Rain by David Conway
Little Cloud by Eric Carle
Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge by Joanna Cole
Meet Me at the Moon by Gianna Marino
Mushroom in the Rain by Mirra Ginsburg
One Well by Rochelle Strauss and Rosemary Woods
Pool by Ji Hyeon Lee
Rain! Linda Ashman
Rain by Gail Saunders Smith
Rain by Manya Stojic
Rain Brings Frogs by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
The Rain Came Down by David Shannon
Rain Play Cynthia Cotton
Rain, Rain Go Away! By Caroline Jayne Church
Raindrop, Plop! Wendy Lewison
Raindrops Roll by April Pulley Sayre
The Secret of Rain by David Conway
The Secret Pool by Kimberly Ridley
The Snowflake by Neil Waldman
Splish splash by Josepha Sherman
Tap Tap Boom Boom by Elizabeth Bluemle
Uncle Rain Cloud by Tony Johnston
Water Dance by Thomas Locker